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Thank you to all the women in our world!

This is National Woman’s History Month, and International Women’s Day on March 8th. I would like to take a moment to honor all of the woman in our lives who consistently and selflessly give so much.

I myself was predominantly raised in a household of women. I was the youngest of three children with two older sisters. My mom and dad separated when I was 6 yrs of age, and for the better part of my childhood, my mother (with the help of my sisters) raised me. When I needed support, needed help with homework, encouragement after being bullied or picked on, or even for the simple bandaging of a wound, women were there to help and support.

I am now the father of three daughters and again, through the majority of my adult life, I have been in a house of women (well maybe young ladies is a better description). I am continuously amazed at their depth, introspective natures, sense of humor, compassion and commitment to succeed.

The women I have known and now know, have always been strong, intelligent and independent people who got things done. They have been self motivated, curious, caring and always committed to following through on their actions. Many of the smartest people I have ever crossed paths with are women, and when in corporate America, I was surrounded by brilliant self-made women sitting in the controlling sectors of the company C-Suite.

As a child, women have played a key role in helping me become who I am today. As an adult, women continue to offer me monumental support in different facets of both my business as well as personal life, and my fiancé is simply the most amazing person I have ever met.

Thank you to all the women in our world, and Happy National Women’s History Month!

David Higgins
Founder, Cush Real Estate

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